Saturday, April 8, 2017

Jesus the treasure of life and heaven

I am in mood of bondage of devil, I can't resist the thoughts of devil, when I am thinking about my God, and jesus the enemy of God, the devil disturbing me, keep away my mind from God , to the Devil, so I am very sad, always at that moment, I have all the knowledge and wisdom, given by God, but now I am in bondages of devil, and I thought and I ask God , may I go to heaven, God said , Yes, I ask this question 3 times to God, and 3 times he said to me, Yes.
How this happen
Jesus is my saviour, he takes away all of my sins till my death. I believed it.
I am a sinner by birth, and I am inclined to sins all the time.
My parents and ancestors and my society all are sinners.
we inherit the sins from the adam and eve and we all are inclined to sins always. After confession and holy communion and seeing mass, retreat we get alot of grace from God, we read bible, praying rosary , praying personal prayers but also we inclined to sins, and doing sins by thought, word and action. sin is our inheritance then how we go to heaven?
How we are sinning
If our family members ,parents, husband, or wife,  neighbours, persons in work place, school criticizing all the time , it will destroy the peace of mind , and it again destroy our health, and our happiness, and we become sad. so we have to pray

Jesus, save me from criticizing people.

if our working place or living place is not give peace of mind, how we will be good?, If we have no peace of mind , we fall in problems, and think about how to remove this problem, some times we think about evil, hateful thougts about others, to destroy them, then how we will be sinless?
so we need to pray

God , save me from bad situations, bad circumstances, bad people, sins, negative thoughts
God , give me good life circumstance, good life situations, positive thoughts, good peoples

If we live in mud, how we live without mud in our clothes, so good life situations are necessary for being good and sinless, so pray for it.

These are the problems of outside of mind

But the real bondage of devil, is we can't pray, when we pray to God , devil take the place of God, so we cannot pray to God, and we are unhappy in mind, or we will be highly struggle for to get our living God,
So I prayed God save me from the bondages of devil.
Devil is very tricky, he is involving us in alot of problems, sins, and bad thoughts, and in the bondage of sins and of ancestors, we also recieving the sinful thoughts from our parents and ancestors genetically and also from the thoughts of our living society

When my mind is filled with the bondages of sin, Jesus helped me, how?

 I ask God , may I go to heaven, God said , Yes, I ask this question 3 times to God, and 3 times he said to me, Yes.
then I prayed this way

O my Jesus, You binded for me, save/free me from the bondages of devil.
O  Jesus, You wounded for me, save/free me from the wounds of mind.

yes, my Lord binded for me, beated for me, wounded for me to set me free from the bondages of devil and sins, and the loads of /thoughts of sin

O my Lord , I thank you and adore you to set me free from the bonds of devil and sins and thoughts

Jesus allow himself to be beaten, to be wounded, to be binded again and again and again till his life ended/till death for me, to free me from my burdens of sins

Jesus is the door of heaven,

by the sin of adam, heaven is sealed, and no one can enter into heaven.
God sent his beloved son to be beaten, to be wounded, to be binded for adam and his sons of the world to set them free from the bonds of devil and sin
The sealed heaven is opened through Jesus,
Those who belive Jesus take away all of my sins and died for me, will enter the kingdom of heaven through Jesus.
Jesus the real door of heaven, there is no entry to heaven other than Jesus
Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life.
Without him there is no way to heaven, he is the true way, he is the truth and treasure to heaven, and he is the life everlasting
Jesus come to the world, to gain the lost souls of heaven, by adam. and to recieve the punishments of the sins of adam and me and you and of the world
If you don't believe or accept the plan of the Lord, how we go to heaven?

Mary, the secret of heaven.

Jesus is the 2nd adam , but the first adam of heaven, and mary is the 2nd eve but the first eve of the  heaven.
Through Mary and Jesus, the  heavenly adam and eve, we are saved,
Those who are saved are the sons and daughters of mary, and Jesus is the First born of Mary, and she is the mother of all God's children, or those who accept Jesus as their saviour

Through Mary we recieved the saviour Jesus
The first eve fall in sin by devil/evil spirit , but the 2nd eve, Virgin Mary gave birth to our saviour Jesus by holy spirit
The root of sin comes from first eve by devil, but root of sin is removed by virgin mary by holy spirit so prayers to virgin mary remove the roots of sin, or roots of genetical sins or bondages of devil,
say litany of rosary and say rosary, they are praising mary
Adam sinned by eve, but Jesus saved us by Mary
Eve sinned by devil, but Mary saved  us by holy spirit
God gave commandment to Adam not to eve, So Jesus punished for the sin of adam

Devil approached the Eve, to do sin against God, Because devil knows, Adam will not obey  Devil, so he is tricky to eve.
This way devil will not attack us directly but attack us through others, so we did not understand the tricks of devil. but devil is the real player. he is a murderer, he is a thief,

So Holy spirit approached the 2nd eve, virgin mary to save the mankind, devil approached eve to destroy the mankind
Adam sinned, Jesus saved
Eve is the reason for adam's sin, So Mary is the reason to Jesus, the saviour
Devil is the reason for eve's sin, Holy spirit is the reason for Mary's goodness
So Mary is the enemy of devil, so he hates mary, so he try to destroy mary and his children
Throgh Mary, we are saved through Jesus
so there is big gap between the people of devil and people of God. they fight each other, and this is our daily problem. there is fight between sin and good.
All goodness comes from Jesus, all sins comes from devil
Devil hates mary, so say litany of mary in rosary, they are praises to mary, it will run away devil from there
Before this time , I never understand the importance of litany, I only avoid to make some short cuts in rosary, If we are in the bondages of devil , repeat the litany many times in a day to run away devil thoughts. Because he hate the name of Mary. Because she is the only women not fall in the trap of devil. so she is the carrier of Jesus, our saviour
Devil make traps to destroy every human in the world, because he lost the beauty of heaven, through  his evil thought, he is the fallen angel of heaven, and he was the light carrier of God, so he never like, no one sit in the place of heaven that he lost.

To free from the bondages of sin and devil know the truth, read below links
collecting knowledge about this remove darkness of mind and give light.

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