Monday, April 17, 2017

trading research

find 3 month high and low
find immediate high or low
if trend is down trend in 3m
then enter nearest swing high price in gann
we get prices above and below it buy and sell , it act as buy and buy sl or sell or sell sl
in 3month down trend take only sell , avoid buy and enter with swing high gann
in 3 month uptrend take only buy , avoid sell , enter with swing low gann for buy
gann entry any price at high low depend on trend, the two prices above and below it act as target and stoploss

for long term 3 month
3 month low add 10% as first target, again add 10% of the new price is the 2nd target , again add 10% of the new price is the 3 rd target.
for day trend daily find low of the previous day in gann calculator above and below prices in gann act as sl or target, if target is near to buy price/cmp then take next point as target
in 3 month trend is up then go with buy
daily check the historical data and compare 3m high low, 1m high low, 2week high low, 1 week high low, for taking trend decision.
1.5 month is maximum time for 3 month low or 3 month high
for maximum down/up trend time is 1.5 month

can also use the trading with super trend of these parameters

monthly yearly % in live market watch , if it is minus means touched monthly, 3month low or going down
if it is +/plus means that it touched high or going up
 go to 3 month hisorical data for confirmation

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